The right equipment for Bass Fishing

Let us discuss certain luring techniques and the usage of right equipment:

Surface, Top-water and or Buzz baits: It is almost like a spinner bait with a flat blade that enables or forces it to surface with speed. This is also one of the favourite baits used by many a bass enthusiast. Buzz baits, as the name goes, draw the attention of the bass, by creating a disturbance along the surface of water like a minnow, thereby triggering the basic instincts and impulse of the Bass hunter to strike - thus leading to your prize catch!

Carolina Rig: This is nothing but a simple variation of the standard, so-called ?Texas Rig? (dealt in detail below), which go well with plastic worms or other soft baits. Seasoned Bass anglers suggest using a heavier weight like 1/2 ?1 oz or more. You may have to slide the weight onto the line, followed with three plastic beads, a barrel swivel, and a leader line (make sure that the leader line is smaller than the main line). This mechanism allows you to drop the bait down to the floor with great speed and is specially recommended for fishing in deep waters.

The movement of the leader line allows the bait to swim and rise from the bottom, and descend slowly. For most of the starters, this is easy to do and practice and is very flexible to get your routine rigging and improving the tackle skills.

Crank bait: These types of lures are normally made from a variety of materials such as hard plastic or wood.

The crank bait when enhanced with an added feature of a diving lip in the front (simulating effectively the natural movements of a live prey such as diving, swimming actions, wobbling), can lure the bass to strike. The general rule that governs the depth that a crank bait can dive is the size of the lip ? the larger the lip, the deeper it can dive. Enhancements like rattles are also good for certain condition.

Jerk baits: This is a minnow-shaped plug, available in lots of different colours and sizes, and is preferred by most of the experienced Bass anglers.

Jerk baits are used as a surface, top-water bait with a slight twitch-and-stop type of retrieve, or even used as more slow-and-steady retrieves underwater. You can also use suspending jerk baits that typically dive deeper, and by jerking it, you will be actually provoking and luring the Bass to come up and bite the bait.

Jigs: This is one of the trusted tackles, which is described as ?lead head and hook with dressing?. Plastic or rubber baits are added to form a skirt like shape. Most bass experts combine them with a frog, or a plastic bait as a ?follower? (plastic worm, crawfish).

Lipless Crank bait: These are lures that are sinking type and are made from plastic. They also come with rattles inside for creating noise and vibrations resulting in disturbances underwater.

Poppers: These are top water lures that carry long-range punch. Retrieval with these kinds of lures is fast, and they are jerky or move in one spot for a specified duration of time. You can make use of this when you want to figure out the possible location of Bass.

Soft Jerk bait: This is similar to the regular jerk bait and can be effectively used by dropping it successfully to the bottom. They also help in luring the deep residing Bass and they swim around the bait before taking the plunge.

Spinner baits: It is an another movement simulating bait and simulates live bait. It is very similar to a jig, but the difference in spinner bait is that it has got a blade that runs above the hook, and spins to imitate and lure a bass.

Texas Rig: The name is coined specifically for standard rigging with a plastic worm. Texas rig use a regular bullet shaped sliding weight and a hook sufficient enough to match the size of the worm you have chosen. You can sharpen the hook and pierce the point of the hook directly into the worm?s head, bring it out by the side about 1/8 - 3/16" below the entry, and thread it again.

The hook should be rotated in a fashion so that the point of the hook is facing the worm's body. Lay it sideward to determine the position where it should enter in order to hang straight. If it is hanging, then you can position the work straight onto the hook. NOTE: Twisted worm will result in a less effective line and action and you may have to pay the price for it.

| The influence of temperature in Bass fishing | The luring techniques you should know | The right equipment for Bass Fishing | The role of Self confidence in Bass fishing | The techniques that you should know in Bass fishing | Using Lures and Spinning tackles | Using Plastic worms in Bass Fishing | What else you learn in this document on Bass Fishing | Your attitude routine and hard work counts | Your equipment choice and techniques |

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