Are You Looking To Buy An Antique Fly Fishing Tackle

One of the first American fly fishing tackle was constructed by gunsmiths of New England. Though the motif was originally from the United Kingdom, it was modified later to give a unique and special American touch so that the tackle could be used in American water to catch different species of fishes here.

However, the collections of tackles that have been dated pre Civil War are known as antique fly fishing tackle. Despite its expensive tags people, especially fishing enthusiasts and collectors, buy it to get a feel of the time the equipment was made and the pride to own the piece that was once with the established people of those days.

How And Where Did It All Start

One can say that fly fishing tackle was found when America was discovered. One of the first American manufacturers set up their factories in Maine and a few other places in the early Colonial era itself. The most basic fly reels known to us can be traced back to 1820s, one of which was constructed by George Snyder of Paris, Kentucky and the other by John Conroy of New York City. In a few years, fly rods made their first appearance in Cape Cod and New York.

Fly fishing tackles were typically made of various kinds of wood and that included ash for the rod stub and lancewood for the tip and middle part of the rod was formed by ash, lancewood, ironwood, mahoe and greenheart wood types. The stub and the middle portion of the tackle were generally tainted and polished but the rod tip was often left without any polish.

Fishing rods had three to seven pieces which depended on the generation and the manufacturer as well. If you are looking for a complete set of a gothic aged rod then it is not only difficult to trace one such now as they are rare and will for cost a fortune if you intend to buy one.

It is the same with fishing reels. Conroy, Billinghurst, Fritz Von Hofe, Ustonson, Haywood and Crook are some of the most ancient yet precious reels of the antique era and every reel has their manufacturer’s symbol or sigh branded on them. Do you know German silver reels is a precious collection than the brass reels? However, reels that have not been branded by their manufacturers or are signed by local stores are not as pricey as the signed ones. But, if you go in for a good long-lasting rod with reel then you will have to shell out a bit more than the rest.

Where To Shop For Antique Fly Fishing Tackle

There are many retail merchants who focus their sales on antique fly fishing tackle. Philip Thompson of Houston and Avid Angler Antique Tackle of Texas are some of the popular stores that sell antique fishing reels, wooden lures and other fishing supplies like maritime and hunting memorabilia. Another store that deal with American made rods and reels that can be used for fly fishing and game fishing is the Tom Greene of Lighthouse Point of Florida.

But if you cannot really afford the original one, there are antique-style fly fishing tackle makers who give an antique finish to their products and sell them at an affordable price. Bayou Sportsman store on eBay is one such store that has a tightly woven fly fishing tackle box with a leather strap for $34.99 other than the shipping and handling charges.

| Are You Looking To Buy An Antique Fly Fishing Tackle | Is Fly Fishing Tackle Unique In Its Design | Read Fly Fishing Tackle Reviews Before Every Purchase | Tips To Buy Cheap Fly Fishing Tackle | Tips To Buy Used Fly Fishing Tackle | Tips To Choose The Best Fly Fishing Tackle Box | Want To Become A Vintage Fly Fishing Tackle Collector |

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