Want To Become A Vintage Fly Fishing Tackle Collector

You may find a variety of vintage and antique fly fishing tackle available in your local stores. People fond of cars will be for sure familiar with these words, as vintage means those cars that were manufactures from 1919 to 1930 whereas classic means cars made during 1931 to 1948. However these terms are completely different in fly fishing from those associated with cars. Actually there is no specific explanation that mentions the disparity of the words antique and vintage.

According to the book Classic and Antique Fly Fishing Tackle fishing tackle manufacturing has been divided into the Smith Age (1800-65), the Expansion Age (1865-1900), the Classic Age (1900-55) and the Semi Modern Age (1955-75). The words "vintage" or "antique" are no where mentioned! Fishing enthusiasts often confuse themselves with both these words. So for a better understanding, we would term the Expansion Age ‘vintage’ and the Smith Age as ‘antique’.

Bamboo Rods: Early Vintage Fly Fishing Tackle

Before the Civil War, almost all the fly fishing rods were crafted using hardwoods. Ironwood is one such hard wood that is unusually a strong and hard tree and is mainly found in the Sonoran Desert. For the first time bamboo rods were used in the year 1848 and from then on they became very popular for these weigh light and are highly flexible especially during the Expansion Age. This is called the Expansion Age because after the Civil War there was a sudden expansion and increase in the production of fly fishing tackles.

Even today, many fishermen favor bamboo or cane made rods while fly fishing when compared to those who opt for the modern fiberglass or graphite rods. But because of the fact that bamboo is delicate and easily breakable when weighed against the modern composite materials, now the production of bamboo rods have come down. Since bamboo rods are rare they have an expensive price tag attached. So a vintage fly fishing tackle collector should be patient till he finds such unique pieces because nowadays vintage fishing rods are rarely found in the market.

Vintage Fly Fishing Tackle And Aluminum Fly Reels

Smith Age was the period when fly reels were made mostly of brass or silver metals. Post Civil War the manufacturers were given permission to build these fly fishing rods of lighter aluminum. Brooklyn became the prime hub for the production of vintage fly fishing tackles and the Lower Manhattan's Fulton Street was known as the Tackle Row amongst the locals as the street was filled with several fishing tackle stores. People who had a humble start in those days have earned a good name and brand for their fishing products and vintage fly fishing tackle collectors are more familiar with them.

When compared to bamboo rods, aluminum fly reels are comparatively hard-wearing. You can of course search for these vintage models on eBay. You can also browse through your local antique shops that stock up vintage fly fishing equipments that may cost you a bit more than a new one. Zwarg and Von Hofe are the most popular tackle reels of the Expansion Age that you can look for if you are searching for reels from the best tackle producers of Brooklyn.

| Are You Looking To Buy An Antique Fly Fishing Tackle | Is Fly Fishing Tackle Unique In Its Design | Read Fly Fishing Tackle Reviews Before Every Purchase | Tips To Buy Cheap Fly Fishing Tackle | Tips To Buy Used Fly Fishing Tackle | Tips To Choose The Best Fly Fishing Tackle Box | Want To Become A Vintage Fly Fishing Tackle Collector |

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